Wednesday, November 28, 2007
My Daily Laugh
Supermodel Upset Over Hilton Dress Steal
Australian supermodel Miranda Kerr was left shattered at the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show when Paris Hilton "stole" her favorite outfit.
Kerr reveals Hilton showed up 10 minutes before the show opened at the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood on November 15 and decided she wanted to close the catwalk show.
Organizers told her to pick an outfit and she chose a pink dress that Kerr had been allocated.
Upset Kerr says, "I was standing by my rack and she goes, 'I want that dress,' and she pointed to my dress, my pretty pink dress, the one I was really proud of ... and she stole it."
In a post on her blog, Kerr admits she felt like hitting the heiress with her handbag, but she calmed down and let karma take care of her feelings -- in the shape of Naomi Campbell, who was another late show for the event.
She explains, "Paris is about to walk out for the finale and Naomi walks in, so they rip the dress off Paris, she's standing there naked and they put it on Naomi.
"I thought, that's karma for you, darling."
There ARE Good People in the World!
Last night, on Golden Gate Bridge, a truck driver noticed a car that was driving unusually slow. Worried, he pulled his truck next to the car's driver's side. To his surprise, he noticed an elderly woman hunched over the steering wheel. Worried that she would crash into something or someone, he pulled up in front of her, slowed his truck down and let her hit him.
She was pronounced dead at the hospital last night. Although there is no happy ending to this story, had he not stopped her vehicle, the potential distaster could have been far worse.
I tried to look for this story online, but couldn't find it... probably is too minor compared to other stuff... but I think it's worthy of making it into the paper!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Pick Up Your Dog's Poop!
Come on, people- show a little consideration for others. It takes two (2) seconds to pick up after your dog... plus, isn't it against the law to leave your doggie's doodoo on public property?
The Best Stress Busting Remedy
Friday, November 23, 2007
Some of my favorite Stewie Quotes
Stewie: "......and no sprinkles. For every sprinkle I find, I shall kill you."
Surely you remember the extra long post about my partner in crime that was getting married. Unfortunately (actually, fortunately), that won't be happening- not to that girl. Although I'm hurt for my cousin, I also know this was a blessing in disguise. It's better to realize these things before taking the plunge, before spending all that money, before bringing them into your home, your life, your family. Afterall, that person can either make your family or break it.
At the end of the day, what goes into a marriage? Why is it so hard? Why is it so hard for two people to come together and live in peace? Why do both have to be stubborn? Marriage is a compromise; however, all anyone wants is mutual respect, honesty, and loyalty. Respect for eachother, respect for one's parents, respect for one's feelings. Good relationships- be it between parents and kids, friends, siblings, other relationships- are based on honesty and trust. It cannot be that hard. Put into it, that, which you want to get back.
No one is perfect. Real life is not a fairytale where everyone finds their soulmate. Life will not be perfect. Compromises will need to be made from both the husband and wife. Pick your battles, give eachother space. No one out there is going to be exactly what you want. Prioritize the things that are important to you.
I'm not a know-it-all... these are things that I see almost everyday between my parents, my sister and brother in law, friends that are married. If one person doesn't like something and there's a good reason behind it, don't do it! If your significant other doesn't want you dressing like a hooker, it's obviously for your own good. No guy that respects a girl wants his girl-friend or wife dressing like that. If you understand where he's coming from, don't do it. Why? If you know that you're drunk and your wife dislikes- no- hates you in that state, stop repeating the fact that you're drunk and go to sleep.
Please don't hate me because of this post. I am not acting like I know how a marriage is- after all, I have never been married; however, it seems the simplest things are blown out of proportion. Things are said and done out of anger, while in the heat of the moment- emotionally. Wouldn't issues be better resolved when one is calm and has a clear head? Words cannot be taken back.
Everyone is there for you when it's a good time in your life. Everyone wants to join with you to celebrate; however, it's those that are there through your tough times that are your true friends. That goes for life partners too. The most difficult times a human goes through (a serious illness, a death of a loved one, loss of job, etc.) can be so much easier if a husband/wife is supportive... but, if that same person isn't there during these times, it might create a gap that can never be filled.
Wouldn't everything be easier if everyone was a little- just a little- more sincere and considerate of another's feelings? Seems like a few compromises can make a world of a difference.
Anyway, everything is easier said than done. We'll see when it's my marriage and if anyone sees me contradicting anything I said, please refer me back to my blog :o)
The year my sister got married and had a baby, I had decided I was never going to get married- at least not to an Indian guy. After seeing the turmoil that my parents have been going through ever since I can remember and then seeing my brother in law and sister bicker over the silliest stuff, I had become turned off to marriage. Why would I want to give up my independance andhappiness to marriage?? What, in my right mind, would convince meof that? I am perfectly happy and satisfied being single.
As a year went by, I continued to be turned off by marriage; however, I also began to realize how important it is for my parents to see married and happy. Don't get me wrong; my parents have never pressured me to get married; never tried to set me up with anyone- none of that; however, it is every parents dream to see their children happily married. As always, I aim to please, especially my parents.
It's taken a few years, but I do think that, with the right person, a marriage can be successful and not so bad.
This Thanksgiving, I made the entire dinner by myself. I've never done this before. Come Wednesday morning, I was so excited. I went and got all the groceries a week before. Originally, all the cousins used to get together at one house and we'd all cook one dish. Last year, we got together at Jyoti's house in Newark and had Thanksgiving there. Anyway, back to this year- yelling, screaming, crying- the works. On a happier note, I think I did pretty well, considering it was my first full-on dinner for a holiday. We had turkey, ham, two cakes, chicken, stuffing, stuffed chicken breasts, mashed potatoes, rice, gravy- the works :D. No one got sick and most of the food got eaten. My anklebiter's first Thanksgiving... and she was my sous chef (the direct assistant to the executive chef)!
I've given up on the holidays for now. The harder I try, the harder I fall when things go wrong. For Christmas, I'm going to SLEEP, RELAX... and read a few good books. Not really :o) I'm still going to try and make it extra special for Princess Mira. I just won't expect anything from anyone and that way, I won't be disappointed. No expectations, no disappointments.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Workplace "How are you?"
Hoops and Yoyo on manners in the hallway.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Quote of the day from
I don't need drugs anymore, thank God. I get the same effect just by standing up real fast. - Jonathan Katz
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Recent Annoyances
First off, spiders- ugh! I know that Simon said spiders are our friends, but not blackwidows (or brown widows- clear brownish spiders with a red mark underneath)! Lately, I've been finding little black widow babies and adults in our pantry and in the rooms that aren't used as often. If anyone remembers the last encounter that Jyoti and I had trying to kill a blackwidow OUTSIDE, you can imagine our reaction to finding the gremlins inside our house (we were not succesful and my brother and mom got a kick out of the whole thing). Side note: If you read anything that tells you blackwidows stay outside residences, do NOT believe it! This is a huge problem- we have three (3) babies at our house- Mira, Buddy, and Amber. If they are bitten, due to their size and weight, it can be very very dangerous. There are two that live in our sliding glass door, right by the doggy-door; once I get the spider-killer, I should be able to spray the cracks and kill them. Yes, I know - it sounds mean, but it's survival of the fittest. I wouldn't kill them if they stayed outside and out of our way.
My solutions: I've done some research and have found a product called Demon WP; it's supposed to be safe for humans and dogs, but I'll have to research some more and make sure. I have also decided to shift stuff around and create some movement every other day or so in those rooms that are unoccupied the majority of the week/month.
Second irritant, horrible drivers that think they own the road! Everybody that drives Page Mill Road in Palo Alto after work knows how long it takes to get from El Camino to 101. When you get closer to the freeway, one lane takes you to the 101 North ramp and the other will take you to 101 South, which is far less congested. The problem is that some people think they are too good to wait in line like everyone else. They drive as far as they can in the lane that takes you to 101 South and then, at the very last minute, slam their brakes and cut into the 101 North lane. UGH. Everyone does this every now and then, but it seems that more and more drivers are doing this on Page Mill- semi drivers, crotch rockets, vans, cars, etc.! It's so rude and inconsiderate. I can only give the benefit of the doubt for so long and for so many people.
Here's another: People taking things for granted and thinking their smallest woes are the end of the world. Even though I have lost someone in my life every other month, since June, I know that my sorrow isn't even close to what the families of those people are feeling. One of the deaths is my grandma, who my dad couldn't say farewell to... and I know that still haunts him. Can we all please just be thankful that we have a job, a family (with all the negatives, looney members, etc.), a car (or some mode of transporation), good health, food for our tummies, etc. My mom is very sick, but I always compare her to my friend's mom who is undergoing chemo., or friend's wife who has battled against cancer for years now, but it keeps coming back. I just have to keep reminding myself that no matter how hard my problems seem, there is always someone who has it much worse.
Last, but not least... moving back home to take care of my mom. Given some of the family history, this might not have been the smartest choice for me. It's definitely not beneficial for me. I'm starting to get the "hero" complex again and with everything else going on, it's starting to wear me down a lot sooner than it usually would. I feel guilty for going to work early and coming home late to avoid seeing my mom so sick. I try to work from home at times, but my mom can be so high maintenance... I am asked to do four (4) things at once- make lunch, laundry, clean, and do my job on top of that. I usually don't complain and I feel bad doing so, but give me a break.
I've been having 18 hour days and it's beginning to catch up. At this point, my daily routies consist of waking up at 4:30 a.m., going to work, getting off at 5 p.m., coming home, medicating mumma, dealing with the aftermath (shivering, shaking, high fever of 103+, chills, tremors, vomitting, etc.), cooking dinner, staying up at night, hearing her throw up all night, taking care of her, going to sleep for a couple of hours and beginning all over again... I have to keep chanting, "I can't fix everything for everyone," over and over again. *long sigh*
All I want is some peace and quiet for my favorite time of the year. That's all :o) I'm done venting. Carry on.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
R.I.P Jeremy- you will be missed...

This morning, a former coworker/friend (Warren) emailed me and gave me the sad news that another former coworker/friend (Jeremy) passed away this past Sunday (11.04.07); motorcycle accident.
As I read the sentence over and over again, I found myself become numb. Suddenly, my head was pounding and the words, "...Jeremy... killed in a motorcycle accident on Sunday", kept replaying themselves.
Jeremy was 26 years old; one of my first friends at MoFo. He had two little kids and a fiance. I cried on my way home today. The holidays are coming up and will only make this that much more difficult.
This is to you:
Dear Jeremy,
The first time I met you, I thought you were Carl. You two looked so similar! I remember, I walked into Merril and dropped off some of the New Hire Orientation stuff that Mike wanted copied. I dropped this off with Carl, who told me to come back in about 15 minutes.
After 30 minutes, I came back and found you sitting where Carl was sitting earlier. Thinking it was the same person, I asked if my copy job was ready and you said, "Which job?" I said, "The one I dropped of 30 minutes ago. You said 15 minutes, but I gave you more time lol." You told me that no one had dropped off any copy jobs to you that morning. Hm, I was so confused. I thought you were pulling my leg; I even told you to "Shut up". A few minutes after I had gone back and forth with you on this issue, Carl walks up with the copies... Ohhhhh shit, I was so embarassed! We both got a good laugh- I apologized profusely (I'm sure my face was red- I could feel it!). To make me feel better, you told me that even your friends confuse you and Carl from a distance. *Phew*.
I remember our elevator conversations- the elevators at MoFo were so slow! You once told me that sometimes you wish you didn't have a cart and could just take the stairs.
I remember the day I found out that you grew up with Jason Coulter - you called him Coulter. We were all supposed to go out, but always postponed. Now it's too late. I'm so sorry.
I remember the day there was a hit and run at the Toll Plaza. Someone hit a motorcycle (driver passed away) and then took off. I remember you and James talking about it - how you were saying you always have to stay tuned to people/traffic around you, behind you, etc. You guys were telling eachother to be careful.
As I write this for you, tears have filled my eyes and are beginning to overflow and run down my face. Jeremy, I will NEVER forget your laugh, never forget how you were always so helpful, never forget how you used to come get candy from the "candy pail" during your mail run... NEVER forget you.
May God give your family all the strength they need to get through this; and, may God give you peace. As you look down upon us from Heaven, always know that we love you, we miss you, and we'll never forget you.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Our Boys - "Tell Me When To Go" - Jyoti and Jay's Wedding Reception 07.01.06