RIP Jeremy... We will miss you...
This morning, a former coworker/friend (Warren) emailed me and gave me the sad news that another former coworker/friend (Jeremy) passed away this past Sunday (11.04.07); motorcycle accident.
As I read the sentence over and over again, I found myself become numb. Suddenly, my head was pounding and the words, "...Jeremy... killed in a motorcycle accident on Sunday", kept replaying themselves.
Jeremy was 26 years old; one of my first friends at MoFo. He had two little kids and a fiance. I cried on my way home today. The holidays are coming up and will only make this that much more difficult.
This is to you:
Dear Jeremy,
The first time I met you, I thought you were Carl. You two looked so similar! I remember, I walked into Merril and dropped off some of the New Hire Orientation stuff that Mike wanted copied. I dropped this off with Carl, who told me to come back in about 15 minutes.
After 30 minutes, I came back and found you sitting where Carl was sitting earlier. Thinking it was the same person, I asked if my copy job was ready and you said, "Which job?" I said, "The one I dropped of 30 minutes ago. You said 15 minutes, but I gave you more time lol." You told me that no one had dropped off any copy jobs to you that morning. Hm, I was so confused. I thought you were pulling my leg; I even told you to "Shut up". A few minutes after I had gone back and forth with you on this issue, Carl walks up with the copies... Ohhhhh shit, I was so embarassed! We both got a good laugh- I apologized profusely (I'm sure my face was red- I could feel it!). To make me feel better, you told me that even your friends confuse you and Carl from a distance. *Phew*.
I remember our elevator conversations- the elevators at MoFo were so slow! You once told me that sometimes you wish you didn't have a cart and could just take the stairs.
I remember the day I found out that you grew up with Jason Coulter - you called him Coulter. We were all supposed to go out, but always postponed. Now it's too late. I'm so sorry.
I remember the day there was a hit and run at the Toll Plaza. Someone hit a motorcycle (driver passed away) and then took off. I remember you and James talking about it - how you were saying you always have to stay tuned to people/traffic around you, behind you, etc. You guys were telling eachother to be careful.
As I write this for you, tears have filled my eyes and are beginning to overflow and run down my face. Jeremy, I will NEVER forget your laugh, never forget how you were always so helpful, never forget how you used to come get candy from the "candy pail" during your mail run... NEVER forget you.
May God give your family all the strength they need to get through this; and, may God give you peace. As you look down upon us from Heaven, always know that we love you, we miss you, and we'll never forget you.
This morning, a former coworker/friend (Warren) emailed me and gave me the sad news that another former coworker/friend (Jeremy) passed away this past Sunday (11.04.07); motorcycle accident.
As I read the sentence over and over again, I found myself become numb. Suddenly, my head was pounding and the words, "...Jeremy... killed in a motorcycle accident on Sunday", kept replaying themselves.
Jeremy was 26 years old; one of my first friends at MoFo. He had two little kids and a fiance. I cried on my way home today. The holidays are coming up and will only make this that much more difficult.
This is to you:
Dear Jeremy,
The first time I met you, I thought you were Carl. You two looked so similar! I remember, I walked into Merril and dropped off some of the New Hire Orientation stuff that Mike wanted copied. I dropped this off with Carl, who told me to come back in about 15 minutes.
After 30 minutes, I came back and found you sitting where Carl was sitting earlier. Thinking it was the same person, I asked if my copy job was ready and you said, "Which job?" I said, "The one I dropped of 30 minutes ago. You said 15 minutes, but I gave you more time lol." You told me that no one had dropped off any copy jobs to you that morning. Hm, I was so confused. I thought you were pulling my leg; I even told you to "Shut up". A few minutes after I had gone back and forth with you on this issue, Carl walks up with the copies... Ohhhhh shit, I was so embarassed! We both got a good laugh- I apologized profusely (I'm sure my face was red- I could feel it!). To make me feel better, you told me that even your friends confuse you and Carl from a distance. *Phew*.
I remember our elevator conversations- the elevators at MoFo were so slow! You once told me that sometimes you wish you didn't have a cart and could just take the stairs.
I remember the day I found out that you grew up with Jason Coulter - you called him Coulter. We were all supposed to go out, but always postponed. Now it's too late. I'm so sorry.
I remember the day there was a hit and run at the Toll Plaza. Someone hit a motorcycle (driver passed away) and then took off. I remember you and James talking about it - how you were saying you always have to stay tuned to people/traffic around you, behind you, etc. You guys were telling eachother to be careful.
As I write this for you, tears have filled my eyes and are beginning to overflow and run down my face. Jeremy, I will NEVER forget your laugh, never forget how you were always so helpful, never forget how you used to come get candy from the "candy pail" during your mail run... NEVER forget you.
May God give your family all the strength they need to get through this; and, may God give you peace. As you look down upon us from Heaven, always know that we love you, we miss you, and we'll never forget you.