- If you have only one brother, you (the sister) cannot wash your hair on Thursdays; technically, "they" say you shouldn't cut your hair, drink alcohol, or eat meat on Thursdays either (this is for both men and women).
- If your right palm itches, you will get money; if your left palm itches, you will lose money.
- If you are a boy and your right eye twitches, it's good luck; if your left eye twitches, it's bad luck.
- If you are a girl and your right eye twitches, it's bad luck; if your left eye twitches, it's good luck.
- You don't burn candles during the day time- bad luck.
- If you bite your tongue, lip, cheek, etc., someone is cursing you (or talking poorly of you).
- If you're leaving your house (or any house) to go somewhere and you trip over something, you should sit down for a few minutes (get some water, etc.).
- Don't walk under a ladder.
- There is a single second in a 24-hour period, when you say or ask for something, it will come true.
- If a black cat crosses your path, either go a different route... or, wait for another car/vehicle to drive through first.
- If your shoe is upside down or on its side, turn it right side up or you'll get in trouble.
- When with friends, don't split a pole, tree, etc.... or you might split your friendship.
- Never hand a knife directly to a person; lay it on the table for them to pick up. Same goes for scissors.
- If you sneeze more than once (within a close period of time), someone is thinking of you/missing you.
- If you get the hiccups, someone is thinking of you/missing you.
I think that's it for now :o)